[Software] Lite XL 2.1.2r1

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Re: Lite XL - Editor (walkero Port)

Beitrag von root »

I tried the new version today.
If I change the project directory with ctrl+shift+c then the following error appears after restarting the program.

Code: Alles auswählen

Error: Work:Programme/LiteXL/data/core/init.lua:864: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
	Work:Programme/LiteXL/data/core/init.lua:543: in function 'init'
	[string "local core..."]:11: in function <[string "local core..."]:2>
	[C]: in function 'xpcall'
	[string "local core..."]:2: in main chunk
After deleting the file "LiteXL/.config/lite-xl/session.lua", the program starts again.

Is it possible to hide .info files in the file browser?
X5000 E5500 | 4GB Ram | Radeon R9 270 Windforce | TerraTec 512i :thinking:
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Re: Lite XL - Editor (walkero Port)

Beitrag von walkero »

There was a bug at v I just released a new version addressing it. Please test it and tell me if it works better for you.

> Is it possible to hide .info files in the file browser?
I will have a look at that and get back to you.
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Re: Lite XL - Editor (walkero Port)

Beitrag von turbo4.1 »

thank you for your intensiv work on lite xl :-)
Sam460ex mit Yeston RX550 4GB (Single Slot, Low Profile), Sam440Flex (666MHz) mit Radeon HD5450 PCI, CDTV mit 270MB SCSI-HD, MemCard, 68010 14MHZ und 5MB RAM, A600 und CD32
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Re: Lite XL - Editor (walkero Port)

Beitrag von walkero »

Is it possible to hide .info files in the file browser?
Sorry for my late reply.
Yes, you can do a lot of different filtering, in a project or globally. To hide the .info files on every project, open your own config file (click at the cog icon) and add in a new line the following:

config.ignore_files = {"^%.", "%.info$"}

The "^%." is the default and hides all the files that start with a dot.
The "%.info$" is the one we need to add to hide all the files that end with .info

As you have guessed, you can add there more files exclusions, as you might need.
Some extra info can be found at https://github.com/lite-xl/lite-xl/issues/26

Hope it helps.
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Re: Lite XL - Editor (walkero Port)

Beitrag von root »

Es gibt wieder eine neue Version!!!!
Ich übernehme mal den original Text von walkero
I just released LiteXL v1.16.12.7 at https://git.walkero.gr/walkero/lite-xl/ ... v1.16.12.7

It is also at the OS4depot upload queue.

In this version the following changes are included:

## [] - 2022-01-11
## Added
- Added config.scroll_past_end that when it is true lets the user scroll
further than the end of the file. By default is set to true.
SDL_CreateRenderer() since this reduces the CPU usage when the user
scrolls and seems to work pretty good on my systems (X5000, A1222 and
microAmigaOne). This is experimental. If this brings problems on your
the system, you can disable them using SDL ENV variable, like below:
setenv SDL_RENDER_DRIVER "software"
- Added plugins and colour schemas in addons folder and information at
the README_OS4 file (#10)

## Changed
- Compiled Lite XL with gcc 8.4.0

I added some extra information in the README_OS4 file that you might like to take a look.

This is going to be the last release based on the v1 source code of the editor since I want to focus more on the v2 port. You can track its progress at https://git.walkero.gr/walkero/lite-xl/issues/12
X5000 E5500 | 4GB Ram | Radeon R9 270 Windforce | TerraTec 512i :thinking:
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Re: Lite XL - Editor (walkero Port)

Beitrag von IconDesigner »


I took the liberty of creating a few icons for your "LiteXL" program.
The icons are freeware and are available for you to use.
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Re: Lite XL - Editor (walkero Port)

Beitrag von root »

Ich hatte auch schonmal angefangen ein Icon zu erstellen aber weiter als ein SVG zu malen bin ich noch nicht gekommen.
Ist es möglich vom Programmicon eine kleine Version zu erstellen in 48x48 ?
X5000 E5500 | 4GB Ram | Radeon R9 270 Windforce | TerraTec 512i :thinking:
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Re: Lite XL - Editor (walkero Port)

Beitrag von IconDesigner »

root hat geschrieben: 15. Januar 2022 11:04 Ist es möglich vom Programmicon eine kleine Version zu erstellen in 48x48 ?
So hier ist das Programmicon in 48x48.
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Peg2/G4 1GB Ram, Radeon 9250, 1 TB SSD plus 4 GB HDD und AmigaOS 4.1 FE
A4000D/60-PPC 128 MB Ram, CV-PPC, 4 GB HDD und AmigaOS 3.9 >>>RIP<<<
A4000D/60 64 MB Ram, CV-64, 4 GB HDD und AmigaOS 3.5
WinUAE und AmigaOS 4.1 FE Classic
Qemu auf Linux; 2GB Ram und AmigaOS 4.1 FE für Peg2
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Re: Lite XL - Editor (walkero Port)

Beitrag von root »

Habe gerade walkero seine twitchsendung https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1263474025 angeschaut und muss sagen die Fortschritte der Version 2 schauen verdammt gut aus.
X5000 E5500 | 4GB Ram | Radeon R9 270 Windforce | TerraTec 512i :thinking:
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Re: Lite XL - Editor (walkero Port)

Beitrag von walkero »

You are awesome. Thank you so much for that. I hope you don't mind me to add them in the next Lite XL release.

Thank you so much for your kind words and for watching my stream. Yeah, version 2 feels so much better with a lot of extra. And I will keep updating it with the latest code as long as is possible to do.