Erstmal gute Arbeit!

Dir ist aber ein kleiner Fehler eingeschlichen

Siehe hier: Mann braucht nur, etwas länger die linke Maustaste drücken und schon Erscheint ein Auswahlmenü.
Moderator: OS4Welt-Team
Erstmal gute Arbeit!
problem gelöst?IconDesigner hat geschrieben: ↑3. Oktober 2021 17:55 [Mein Problem ist ein anderes: Ich habe mich Registriert und einen schönen "KEY-File" bekommen, aber das Programm sagt mir das ich mich Registrieren soll.![]()
Hatte diese Woche Spätsicht, daher noch nicht dazu gekommen.
Code: Alles auswählen
Crash log for task "Pixy"
Generated by GrimReaper 53.19
Crash occured in module newlib.library.kmod at address 0x01A642A8
Type of crash: DSI (Data Storage Interrupt) exception
Alert number: 0x80000003
Register dump:
GPR (General Purpose Registers):
0: 6FFAE000 6961FA70 00000002 646C4755 6961FA48 6961FBC8 6961FBC8 646C5FFC
8: DEADBEEF 00000000 FFFFFFFF 01A6427C 000007BC 0000000D 64602A74 64602A70
16: 6961FD1C 00000000 64602968 64602AF0 6961FC58 64602A74 64602A74 646C564E
24: 646C4755 6B369880 00000000 6B020000 646C4755 6B370018 6B020000 6961FBC8
FPR (Floating Point Registers, NaN = Not a Number):
0: nan 1 3.32193 1.35004e-08
4: -0.0909091 4.01381e-05 0.584962 0.00826446
8: 1 0.0140618 -0.118583 -9.34567e-09
12: 145 4.5036e+15 2.41499e-247 5.05569e-293
16: 3.50229e-288 2.71381e-289 8.69286e+19 2.35271e+77
20: 2.90878e-148 -69.0001 -1.21146e-268 5.97195e+76
24: 2.41788e-179 3.52103e+154 1.00797e+84 -1.279e-303
28: 4.5036e+15 4.5036e+15 2.14748e+09 0
FPSCR (Floating Point Status and Control Register): 0x82002000
SPRs (Special Purpose Registers):
Machine State (msr) : 0x0002F030
Condition (cr) : 0x61E71DC0
Instruction Pointer (ip) : 0x01A642A8
Xtended Exception (xer) : 0x018407B0
Count (ctr) : 0x00000000
Link (lr) : 0x00000000
DSI Status (dsisr) : 0x01860BA0
Data Address (dar) : 0x00000000
680x0 emulated registers:
DATA: 6CD9C58E 00000003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ADDR: 6FFA4000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 6961F560
FPU0: 0 0 0 0
FPU4: 0 0 0 0
Symbol info:
Instruction pointer 0x01A642A8 belongs to module "newlib.library.kmod" (HUNK/Kickstart)
Stack trace:
native kernel module newlib.library.kmod+0x00031e68
LIBS:codesets.library:LIB_CodesetsConvertStrA()+0x178 (section 1 @ 0x85FC)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.DSWWWC/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F80BF74 (section 0 @ 0x9F50)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.DSWWWC/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F821280 (section 0 @ 0x1F25C)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.DSWWWC/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F823244 (section 0 @ 0x21220)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.DSWWWC/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F8241EC (section 0 @ 0x221C8)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.DSWWWC/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F826430 (section 0 @ 0x2440C)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.DSWWWC/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F81B3D0 (section 0 @ 0x193AC)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.DSWWWC/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F80B5B4 (section 0 @ 0x9590)
module SYS:Storage/Hollywood/hollywood.DSWWWC/MUIRoyale.hwp at 0x7F8119F8 (section 0 @ 0xF9D4)
module Pixy at 0x7F967830 (section 0 @ 0x10680C)
module Pixy at 0x7F96E838 (section 0 @ 0x10D814)
module Pixy at 0x7F967F20 (section 0 @ 0x106EFC)
module Pixy at 0x7F964C68 (section 0 @ 0x103C44)
module Pixy at 0x7F966E30 (section 0 @ 0x105E0C)
module Pixy at 0x7F966F1C (section 0 @ 0x105EF8)
module Pixy at 0x7F964958 (section 0 @ 0x103934)
module Pixy at 0x7F882E0C (section 0 @ 0x21DE8)
module Pixy at 0x7F9F0E3C (section 0 @ 0x18FE18)
module Pixy at 0x7F869C68 (section 0 @ 0x8C44)
module Pixy at 0x7F9EB008 (section 0 @ 0x189FE4)
module Pixy at 0x7FAA3174 (section 0 @ 0x242150)
module Pixy at 0x7FAA5CBC (section 0 @ 0x244C98)
PPC disassembly:
01a642a0: 7d084b78 or r8,r8,r9
01a642a4: 48000008 b 0x1A642AC
*01a642a8: 85070004 lwzu r8,4(r7)
01a642ac: 650a7f7f oris r10,r8,32639
01a642b0: 3d28feff subis r9,r8,257
System information:
Model: Freescale P5020 (E5500 core) V1.2
CPU speed: 1995 MHz
FSB speed: 798 MHz
Machine name: AmigaOne X5000/20
Memory: 2097152 KB
Extensions: bus.pci bus.pcie
Expansion buses
00:00.0 Vendor 0x1957 Device 0x0421
01:00.0 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0x68F9
Range 0: 80000000 - 90000000 (PREF.MEM)
Range 2: 90000000 - 90020000 (MEM)
Range 4: 00001000 - 00001100 (IO)
01:00.1 Vendor 0x1002 Device 0xAA68
Range 0: 90020000 - 90024000 (MEM)
02:00.0 Vendor 0x1957 Device 0x0421
03:00.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
04:01.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
04:02.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
04:03.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
04:08.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
04:10.0 Vendor 0x111D Device 0x8092
05:00.0 Vendor 0x12D8 Device 0xE111
06:04.0 Vendor 0x1102 Device 0x0002
Range 0: 00001000 - 00001020 (IO)
06:05.0 Vendor 0x1033 Device 0x0035
Range 0: A0000000 - A0001000 (MEM)
06:05.1 Vendor 0x1033 Device 0x0035
Range 0: A0001000 - A0002000 (MEM)
06:05.2 Vendor 0x1033 Device 0x00E0
Range 0: A0002000 - A0002100 (MEM)
07:00.0 Vendor 0x10EC Device 0x8168
Range 0: 00002000 - 00002100 (IO)
Range 2: A0100000 - A0101000 (MEM)
Range 4: A0110000 - A0120000 (PREF.MEM)
0x6d1f0918: ISO-8859-15.charset V52.1
0x6d1f0898: german_ISO-8859-15.language V52.1
0x022becc2: exec.library V54.30
0x6f85a7d8: Logitech.usbfd V1.2
0x6fec6a98: cgxvideo.library V42.1
0x645eb2d0: String.mui V21.39
0x645eb230: Floattext.mui V21.20
0x6d29b864: btree.library V53.3
0x645eb0f0: Objectmap.mui V21.21
0x6959df40: Gauge.mui V21.20
0x6959dea0: TheButton.mcc V26.19
0x6959de00: TheBar.mcc V26.19
0x6b335870: Title.mui V21.32
0x6b3357d0: Numericbutton.mui V21.20
0x6b3282e8: muigfx.library V21.21
0x6ac7edac: muimaster.library V21.183
0x6b3289d4: amigaguide.datatype V53.7
0x6b29e8d4: amigaguide.library V53.8
0x6d249ccc: codesets.library V6.21
0x6b404110: texteditor.gadget V53.28
0x6b1fd328: Clock.docky V53.10
0x6b32a998: CPUInfo.docky V52.2
0x6b6d3f28: RAMDock.docky V51.1
0x6b32a418: CPUDock.docky V51.0
0x6b405438: GFXDock.docky V51.1
0x6b4051b8: X5000Temp.docky V50.2
0x6b32a398: Spacer.docky V53.2
0x6b3629a0: slider.gadget V53.17
0x6b750f18: V6.5
0x6b562d50: getfont.gadget V53.11
0x6b405240: anim.gadget V53.7
0x6b562cb0: getfile.gadget V53.12
0x6b6d3028: progressbar.gadget V53.12
0x6b750cf8: clicktab.gadget V53.50
0x6b562c10: arexx.class V53.6
0x6b548bc0: requester.class V53.20
0x6cad9638: chooser.gadget V53.22
0x6b562b70: penmap.image V53.6
0x6b562ad0: integer.gadget V53.13
0x6b6efbc8: V6.7
0x6b5625d0: checkbox.gadget V53.12
0x6b562530: bitmap.image V53.9
0x6ac2a788: screenblanker.library V53.7
0x6cad9a34: V6.2
0x6b6f7ad4: asl.library V53.54
0x6d04abb8: listbrowser.gadget V53.74
0x6cd30c30: scroller.gadget V53.16
0x6d310500: string.gadget V53.22
0x6ced1104: usergroup.library V4.30
0x6cd53ec0: bsdsocket.library V4.307
0x6f9297b0: space.gadget V53.7
0x6d0d2de0: mathieeedoubbas.library V53.1
0x6d0d29ec: hid.usbfd V53.14
0x6cf68d5c: textclip.library V53.4
0x6d1ba7a0: button.gadget V53.22
0x6d1ba840: glyph.image V53.4
0x6d24d530: window.class V54.14
0x6ced2528: popupmenu.class V53.2
0x6ced3578: popupmenu.library V53.14
0x6d1ba660: label.image V53.14
0x6d1ba5c0: drawlist.image V53.3
0x6ff0eaa8: layout.gadget V54.8
0x6ced2340: bevel.image V53.6
0x6d1ba520: png.datatype V53.10
0x6d2a0064: picture.datatype V53.10
0x6d051240: Picasso96API.library V54.18
0x6d29e768: timezone.library V53.11
0x6d2948a8: application.library V53.30
0x6d22017c: ft2.library V53.2
0x6ff15c4c: workbench.library V53.62
0x6d21d2a0: gadtools.library V53.8
0x6d310a8c: commodities.library V53.10
0x6d320540: datatypes.library V54.7
0x6d2be0cc: icon.library V54.6
0x6ff0ecd0: z.library V53.9
0x6f9eaab8: version.library V53.18
0x6d311760: iffparse.library V53.3
0x6ffb8ecc: locale.library V54.2
0x6ff1041c: diskfont.library V53.13
0x6d420028: petunia.library V53.6
0x6feb3228: dos.library V54.112
0x6ff0e184: usbprivate.library V53.22
0x6ff0ca3c: massstorage.usbfd V53.84
0x6ff0e03c: hub.usbfd V53.11
0x6ff0c9a8: bootkeyboard.usbfd V52.3
0x6ff0c928: bootmouse.usbfd V53.3
0x6ff0c828: mounter.library V53.20
0x6fec6e7c: usbresource.library V53.22
0x6ff91518: hunk.library V53.4
0x6fec6d74: elf.library V53.30
0x6ff624d0: intuition.library V54.28
0x6ff58530: keymap.library V53.9
0x6ff5a404: nonvolatile.library V54.7
0x6fec8280: cybergraphics.library V43.0
0x6ff90420: RadeonHD.chip V2.22
0x6ffa3420: graphics.library V54.248
0x6fffe4f0: layers.library V54.12
0x6ff50150: rtg.library V54.90
0x6ff902a4: PCIGraphics.card V53.18
0x6ffaa258: newlib.library V53.62
0x6ff9f1ac: utility.library V54.2
0x6ffa8398: expansion.library V53.1
0x6cd9c58e: rexxsyslib.library V53.4 (Legacy)
0x6cf67024: serial.device V54.6
0x6ac5e2f4: ahi.device V6.6
0x6cd94e78: rtl8169.device V53.6
0x6f85acd8: usbdisk.device V53.84
0x6ff9fd10: usbsys.device V53.22
0x6ff94e04: p5020sata.device V54.69
0x6ff91b90: ehci.usbhcd V53.26
0x6ff91af0: ohci.usbhcd V53.22
0x6ff91a50: uhci.usbhcd V53.15
0x6ff9fa48: console.device V53.105
0x6ff5a530: ramdrive.device V54.1
0x6ff5877c: input.device V53.6
0x6ff10024: keyboard.device V53.12
0x6ff5a050: timer.device V53.4
rhd_gc (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6febe000 - 0x6fec6000, pointer @ 0x6fec5f70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000001, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
Exec Command and Control (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fe44000 - 0x6fe48000, pointer @ 0x6fe47f50 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
ClickToFront (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b660004 - 0x6b66fffc, pointer @ 0x6b66fef0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe000d000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
input.device (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fe9e000 - 0x6feae000, pointer @ 0x6feadf00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
USB stack (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f9d9000 - 0x6f9dd000, pointer @ 0x6f9dcf20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf800d000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
EHCI Controller Task Unit 1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f955000 - 0x6f95d000, pointer @ 0x6f95cf10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xbe009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
Logitech.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cc1d004 - 0x6cc24ffc, pointer @ 0x6cc24f70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x50000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
OHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f9d1000 - 0x6f9d9000, pointer @ 0x6f9d8f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xb8009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
EHCI Controller Task Unit 2 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f921000 - 0x6f929000, pointer @ 0x6f928f10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xbe009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
EHCI Controller Task Unit 0 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f98d000 - 0x6f995000, pointer @ 0x6f994f10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xbe009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
OHCI Controller Task Unit 1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f9b9000 - 0x6f9c1000, pointer @ 0x6f9c0f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xb8009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
p5020sata.device Port 0 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fe16000 - 0x6fe24a60, pointer @ 0x6fe248d0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xd000f000, SigWait 0x08000000
State: Task (Waiting)
p5020sata.device Port 1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fbfa000 - 0x6fc08a60, pointer @ 0x6fc088d0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xd000f000, SigWait 0x08000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DH1/NGFileSystem 54.34 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f747004 - 0x6f74effc, pointer @ 0x6f74ed60 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
DH3/NGFileSystem 54.34 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6e59b004 - 0x6e5a2ffc, pointer @ 0x6e5a2d60 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
DH2/NGFileSystem 54.34 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ee7e004 - 0x6ee85ffc, pointer @ 0x6ee85d60 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
reaper.task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d3d0004 - 0x6d3d7ffc, pointer @ 0x6d3d7e50 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00007000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
hid.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cbfd004 - 0x6cc04ffc, pointer @ 0x6cc04ea0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
HID Keyboard (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cd3d004 - 0x6cd4cffc, pointer @ 0x6cd4cf00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x90001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
RAM/ram-handler 54.24 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d34c004 - 0x6d34fffc, pointer @ 0x6d34fd40 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
MassStorage Device Task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f7c1000 - 0x6f7c9000, pointer @ 0x6f7c8eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe4009000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
URL/launch-handler 53.39 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cb72004 - 0x6cbecffc, pointer @ 0x6cbe8fa0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
RANDOM/Random-Handler 52.1 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cc39004 - 0x6cc48ffc, pointer @ 0x6cc48ef0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_filedir_notify (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f78c004 - 0x6f790ffc, pointer @ 0x6f78feb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x40001000, SigWait 0x80000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b0fd004 - 0x6b10cffc, pointer @ 0x6b10ce20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
rtl8169.device.0 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d2f5004 - 0x6d304ffc, pointer @ 0x6d304ef0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x78008000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b443004 - 0x6b452ffc, pointer @ 0x6b452e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b4ed004 - 0x6b4fcffc, pointer @ 0x6b4fce20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b58f004 - 0x6b59effc, pointer @ 0x6b59ee20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b607004 - 0x6b616ffc, pointer @ 0x6b616e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b62b004 - 0x6b63affc, pointer @ 0x6b63ae20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b711004 - 0x6b720ffc, pointer @ 0x6b720e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
AUDIO/AHI-Handler 6.2 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cca5004 - 0x6ccb5004, pointer @ 0x6ccb4ed0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
APPDIR/appdir-handler 54.17 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cd02004 - 0x6cd11ffc, pointer @ 0x6cd11ec0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
ENV/env-handler 54.18 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d338004 - 0x6d33fffc, pointer @ 0x6d33fef0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d450004 - 0x6d457ffc, pointer @ 0x6d457e20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
RAW/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d464004 - 0x6d46bffc, pointer @ 0x6d46be20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CON/con-handler 53.82 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d488004 - 0x6d48fffc, pointer @ 0x6d48fe20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xa0000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_nbmd_process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f7ad004 - 0x6f7b0ffc, pointer @ 0x6f7b0f30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_lock_handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f7d1004 - 0x6f7d4ffc, pointer @ 0x6f7d4f00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00001100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
RexxMaster (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cb01004 - 0x6cb10ffc, pointer @ 0x6cb10ec0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
TEXTCLIP/textclip-handler 53.4 (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cc09004 - 0x6cc18ffc, pointer @ 0x6cc18ec0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
compose.task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b8c9000 - 0x6b8d1000, pointer @ 0x6b8d0bd0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
Workbench (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ad55004 - 0x6ad64ffc, pointer @ 0x6ad64e50 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
Bildschirmschoner-Bibliothek. (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b47c004 - 0x6b48cffc, pointer @ 0x6b48cf00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xb4001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
serial.device (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ab49000 - 0x6ab51000, pointer @ 0x6ab50f30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x7e000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
ramlib (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d38e004 - 0x6d3a6ffc, pointer @ 0x6d3a6f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
MUI imagespace screen notify (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6945d004 - 0x6946cffc, pointer @ 0x6946cd30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
Workbench DosList Notify (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6abea004 - 0x6abf9ffc, pointer @ 0x6abf9f40 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00003000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
ContextMenus Command Dispatcher (Waiting)
Stack: 0x69821004 - 0x69830ffc, pointer @ 0x69830f30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
texteditor.gadget Clipboard Server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b056004 - 0x6b06effc, pointer @ 0x6b06ef00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
string.gadget server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ad39004 - 0x6ad48ffc, pointer @ 0x6ad48db0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x40000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
Workbench Clipboard Server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6abfe004 - 0x6ac0dffc, pointer @ 0x6ac0def0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
NotificationServer (Ready)
Stack: 0x6b501004 - 0x6b520ffc, pointer @ 0x6b520b10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xbc001000, SigWait 0x04000000
State: Process (Ready)
AmiDock (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b72d004 - 0x6b73cffc, pointer @ 0x6b73c740 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00290000
State: Process (Waiting)
TCP/IP Control (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ad81004 - 0x6ad90ffc, pointer @ 0x6ad90dc0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf8009080, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f8cd004 - 0x6f8d4ffc, pointer @ 0x6f8d4eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
ELF Collector (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f777004 - 0x6f787ffc, pointer @ 0x6f787e70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000100, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f89d004 - 0x6f8a4ffc, pointer @ 0x6f8a4eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f8a9004 - 0x6f8b0ffc, pointer @ 0x6f8b0eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f8b5004 - 0x6f8bcffc, pointer @ 0x6f8bceb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f8c1004 - 0x6f8c8ffc, pointer @ 0x6f8c8eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
TCP/IP Superserver (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6adad004 - 0x6adbcffc, pointer @ 0x6adbc9f0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xd0000080, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
Hollywood requester task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x695ad004 - 0x695bcffc, pointer @ 0x695bcf20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
Hollywood wait task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x695c9004 - 0x695d8ffc, pointer @ 0x695d8f10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
Mounter GUI (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cda7004 - 0x6cdbaffc, pointer @ 0x6cdbae10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80007000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
ContextMenus (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b5ab004 - 0x6b5baffc, pointer @ 0x6b5bac90 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xe0001000, SigWait 0x04000000
State: Process (Waiting)
DefIcons (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b69c004 - 0x6b6abffc, pointer @ 0x6b6abdb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80009000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
TCP/IP Configuration (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6adc9004 - 0x6add8ffc, pointer @ 0x6add8e10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xf8003000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
ScreenBlankerEngine (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b674004 - 0x6b683ffc, pointer @ 0x6b683c00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xd8001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
AsyncWB (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b6b0004 - 0x6b6bfffc, pointer @ 0x6b6bfe90 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
SGrab (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b45f004 - 0x6b46effc, pointer @ 0x6b46ed20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0007000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
application.library messageserver (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d0e1000 - 0x6d0e1fa0, pointer @ 0x6d0e1f10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
RAWBInfo (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6b688004 - 0x6b697ffc, pointer @ 0x6b697ec0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000100
State: Process (Waiting)
TCP/IP Log (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ade5004 - 0x6adf4ffc, pointer @ 0x6adf4f00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80003000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
« IPrefs » (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d225004 - 0x6d234ffc, pointer @ 0x6d234a20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0x20000000
State: Process (Waiting)
ConClip (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cb4d004 - 0x6cb5cffc, pointer @ 0x6cb5ceb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
USB stack Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cdcf004 - 0x6cddeffc, pointer @ 0x6cddeee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
MassStorage Notifier (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fe25000 - 0x6fe2cd00, pointer @ 0x6fe2cc70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
datatypes.library (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d069004 - 0x6d078ffc, pointer @ 0x6d078e30 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
DST watcher (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d0a7004 - 0x6d0b6ffc, pointer @ 0x6d0b6f10 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xc0000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f805004 - 0x6f80cffc, pointer @ 0x6f80ceb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f851004 - 0x6f858ffc, pointer @ 0x6f858eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f825004 - 0x6f82cffc, pointer @ 0x6f82ceb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
hub.usbfd (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f871004 - 0x6f878ffc, pointer @ 0x6f878eb0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x30000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA2 Channel 4 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fe40000 - 0x6fe44000, pointer @ 0x6fe43ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA1 Channel 4 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fe3c000 - 0x6fe40000, pointer @ 0x6fe3fee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA2 Channel 3 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fe58000 - 0x6fe5c000, pointer @ 0x6fe5bee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA1 Channel 3 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fe54000 - 0x6fe58000, pointer @ 0x6fe57ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA2 Channel 2 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fe50000 - 0x6fe54000, pointer @ 0x6fe53ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA1 Channel 2 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fe4c000 - 0x6fe50000, pointer @ 0x6fe4fee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA2 Channel 1 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6feba000 - 0x6febe000, pointer @ 0x6febdee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
DMA1 Channel 1 Handler (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6feb6000 - 0x6feba000, pointer @ 0x6feb9ee0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
Background CLI [Pixy] (Crashed)
Stack: 0x695e1000 - 0x69621020, pointer @ 0x6961fa70 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000010, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Crashed)
Mounter Task (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6fe2d000 - 0x6fe3ba60, pointer @ 0x6fe3b970 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0xb0001000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Waiting)
Mounter Companion Process (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6cdeb004 - 0x6cdfaffc, pointer @ 0x6cdfaf40 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80003000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting) (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6d3b3004 - 0x6d3cbffc, pointer @ 0x6d3cbf00 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80005000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
dos_signal_server (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6f795004 - 0x6f798ffc, pointer @ 0x6f798f20 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x0000f000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
appdir envarc manager (Waiting)
Stack: 0x6ccd6004 - 0x6cce5ffc, pointer @ 0x6cce4be0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80005000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Process (Waiting)
CPUInfo.CPUTask (Ready)
Stack: 0x6b1e2000 - 0x6b1ea000, pointer @ 0x6b1e9fd0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Ready)
CPUDock_idleTask (Ready)
Stack: 0x6b1ea000 - 0x6b1ee000, pointer @ 0x6b1edef0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x80000000, SigWait 0xc0000000
State: Task (Ready)
idle.task (Ready)
Stack: 0x6ff7f000 - 0x6ff80000, pointer @ 0x6ff7ffc0 (Cookie OK)
Signals: SigRec 0x00000000, SigWait 0x00000000
State: Task (Ready)
Danke fürs Lob IconDesignerIconDesigner hat geschrieben: ↑8. Oktober 2021 00:27 Erstmal gute Arbeit!![]()
Dir ist aber ein kleiner Fehler eingeschlichen![]()
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Mann braucht nur, etwas länger die linke Maustaste drücken und schon Erscheint ein Auswahlmenü.
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